Green Energy Technology Research Center (GETRC)GreenEnergy Technology Research Center focuses on two major areas: "electricvehicle technology research and system integration" and "carbonaccounting and carbon reduction technology". The center also connects withthe Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City, surrounding universities' researchteams, and local green energy industries. The center lists talent cultivation,industry-university cooperation, international cooperation and exchange, andindustrial and social influence, as the four key areas for promotion.
Our mainachievements of 2023 include nurturing young researchers and expanding theirinternational horizons. The center has recruited eight high-level talents andcultivated 15 international research experiences. The total amount of R&Dprojects with industry, government, and academia was NT$159 million, of whichNT$101.5 million was from industry-university cooperation projects. The centeralso earned NT$47 million from other government projects, transferredtechnology for NT$10.7 million, filed 28 domestic and international inventionpatents, and obtained 27 patents. It also commercialized five research resultsand five research results reached the international leading standard intechnological innovation. The center has made breakthroughs in titanium lithiumbatteries, car panel white light mini LED, high-frequency switching performancedrive, electric beach buggy, and oil car conversion to electric cartechnologies. These breakthroughs have led to industry investment of NT$88.9million, increased industry output by NT$86 million, and helped 97 companieswith energy-saving diagnostics. The center has also founded five researchservice companies, two located in the Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City.The center has helped 40 domestic companies participate in internationalexhibitions and obtain orders. The center intends to compete with theinternational benchmarking center - The Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) ofthe University of British Columbia (UBC). The center has collaborated with the IndianAssociation for the Cultivation of Science, the Tokyo Institute of Technology,the Indian Institutes of Technology Delhi, and STMicroelectronics India tocultivate international talents and promote international industry-universitycooperation.